Thursday, November 13, 2008

Recycle With Earthworms

I've been vermicomposting for about six months now. Lately I realized I hadn't really done much research on the subject other than checking out a few websites and skimming the worm chapters in other composting books. I came home from the library with Recycle With Earthworms: The Red Wiggler Connection by Shelley C. Grossman and Toby Weitzel yesterday and devoured the entire book. It's pretty short.

As you could imagine, this slim little book is all about using red wigglers to put your food waste back into the earth. These ladies offer a very thorough look at worms in general... then provide a tutorial on vermicomposting. There's even a chart to help you problem solve your own bin!

I learned I have a little work to do. My worms were probably due a harvest a few months ago... sorry little buds!

Recommendation: If you want to "feed the earth, starve a landfill," this book is a good start.

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